Friday, 1 April 2011

Don't get Suckered in!

There are two films out this weekend, both of which had screenings in Leicester Square earlier this week.
Sucker Punch Has had some pretty damning reviews but the promotional budget has been huge with posters and flat-screens pumping out it's (admittedly striking) imagery all over London. It's virtually at saturation point. Now I like Zack Snyder, and I loved 300 but I'm approaching this one with caution. I will probably see it at some point, as I have an unlimited Cineworld pass, but in the wake of the opinions of a consistently accurate film reviewer it's not high on my list of must see films.

If you are planning a cinema trip this weekend, I urge you to see past the pretty posters (and they are pretty) and go and see something else instead. Duncan Jones who can be found on twitter under the name @ManMadeMoon releases his second film Source Code this weekend and it's brilliant. With all the best elements of Quantum Leap, Groundhog Day, and 24, this film is clever, brilliantly paced, drip feeds the back story of Jake Gyllenhaal's confused helicopter pilot, Colter Stevens, masterfully.

You can see the first five minutes of the film
HERE but you really should go and see the whole thing. You won't be disappointed.